Thursday, September 27, 2007

Taking the plunge

Those of you who've known me for any length of time know that I've been struggling with my weight for many years. For the last 10 years I've been steadily gaining, and I've finally decided to take my health seriously and do something about it. Last night, I joined Weight Watchers and attended my first meeting.

I chose Weight Watchers not only because it's one of the less expensive options available (and money's very tight for us right now!), but because I have several friends who have been very successful in both losing (in many cases impressive amounts) and maintaining weight on this program.

In the interest of accountability, I intend to track my weekly progress on this blog. I hope that in addition to forcing me to be honest with myself, it will be an encouragement to those of you who have similar struggles.

So last night was my first meeting - and it was good, although I have to admit it didn't blow me away. I have a couple of friends at work who attend, so I hitched a ride with them. I was surprised at the number of people there (I'd guess there were at least 40 in attendance at this particular meeting) - and then at the lack of respect for the leader, as many people continued to chat with each other at full volume while she was speaking. However, despite being a bit on the rowdy side, the group was good-natured and friendly in a remote sort of way - most people (like me) sat in little clusters with people they knew.

The leader was enthusiastic and entertaining, sharing "true confessions" of her recent struggles after allowing butter, peanut butter, and Costco cheese danishes back into her diet. One of the best things about WW is that every one of the receptionists (who weigh you in each week) and the group leaders have lost weight on this program and kept it off - so they know firsthand what you're going through. The attractive, petite brunette who signed me up had rather dramatic before & after photos prominently displayed at her station, which made her far less intimidating.
When I signed up, I purchased the "starter kit" with a 3-month journal and food guides to assist me in tracking my points. When I got home, I was still sufficiently inspired to fix a little package of assorted baby veggies (carrots, zucchini and snow peas), a sweet potato, some cottage cheese, and a Fresca (diet soda) for dinner.

So today was my first day on program, and guess what I forgot to bring to work with me? That's right - I left the starter kit at home. Next, I hit Starbucks with a friend and without even thinking, ordered a Venti Pumpkin Spice Latte (yum!) AND a breakfast sandwich. I also purchased a fresh veggie tray for lunch, and promised myself I'd make up for the morning splurge with low-point meals for the rest of the day . . . which I think I did - the only food I had for the rest of the day (besides the veggie tray - and I didn't even touch the dip!) was a stick of string cheese, some cashews, and half a turkey and pepper jack sandwich. I'll have to add up the points tonight and see where I stand.

As I begin this journey to a happier, healthier me, I would truly appreciate your prayers for my success on this program - that God will grant me the strength I lack to make good decisions where food is concerned, and help me to keep trying, even on the occasions when I - as I inevitably will - give in to temptation.

Thanks to all of you for being such wonderful friends - it feels great to know I've got a terrific built-in support system in you guys. :)

Time to go and fill in my first journal entry, so as Tigger says "Ta ta for now!" I'll post again on this topic next week.