Thursday, February 1, 2007

Why I'm here

Just wanted to write a bit about why I felt inclined to start this blog. I was inspired by a site I happened across by chance, and then couldn't seem to stop reading - WonderGirl and the Sift (if you haven't already discovered this blog, it's definitely worth a read). I was delighted to find a kindred spirit online and decided that if she can find time for that level of writing with three kids and one on the way, then by golly, I can do it, too! Well, OK--maybe not as well as she can, but I'll give it the old college try!

I've been told that I have a gift for writing ever since the second grade, when for a creative writing assignment, I turned in the tragic tale of a piece of chewing gum from the moment he was unwrapped--chronicling his suffering as he was chewed and accidentally swallowed, his fascinating journey through the human digestive tract, and his eventual emergence into a large, white porcelain receptacle and finally (*flush*), the sewer system. Yes, dear readers, I went there--much to my shame. But my teacher (God bless her!) loved it, and encouraged me to keep writing.

So here I am. I'll bet you can't WAIT to read more! ;-)


Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that when you wrote about that lowly piece of chewing gum, I felt like you were writing just for me.

Lorelei said...

That's really weird, because I WAS writing just for you!