Since I've recently posted an update and there's not much news, I'm being lazy and just posting some pics of Emmy's recent activities (and not-so-brief explanations). Note the poor lizard - wish Peter had managed to get a video, 'cause apparently she was twirling it in circles by the tail until her
alarmed Grandma and Daddy persuaded her to "be gentle!" and hold it still. Seems our scaly little friend was either too petrified at being helicoptered violently through the air or simply too stupid to cast off its tail . . .
Two weeks ago we attended a party to celebrate our dear friend Pat's promotion to GM of the Il Fornaio restaurant in Roseville, CA, as well as his wife Maria's 36th birthday. It was bittersweet for Peter and I - we're really happy for Pat (he's worked his tail off for years for this!), but we're sad that they're moving so far away. We're trying to look at it as an opportunity
to spend more time in beautiful northern CA. Emmy didn't let the goodbyes spoil her fun - she had a terrific time on the slide and swing in Maria's parents' back yard . . .

Last week was finals week for Peter, so his schedule was flexible enough that he actually had time to bring Emmy and meet me for lunch and giggles at Las Fuentes, and to take her to the park for some more serious swinging . . .
And finally, we got to spend some time with Ryan and Shari last Saturday night, and while we gaped in awe at their enormous new LCD TV, Emmy tried her hand at taking a picture of us for a change . . .

Last weekend I had an event and had to work all day Friday and Saturday, so I'm looking forward with real anticipation to having a little time to spend with Peter and Emmy this weekend. Grandma Jean has even agreed
to take Emmy this Friday afternoon/evening so that Peter and I can enjoy the first hours alone we've spent since our anniversary last November. Hooray for Spring Break!

Hope you're all having a great week!
I love the story of the lizard... that is too funny!
I'm sorry your friends are moving away, but hopefully within the next year one of them (me) will be moving closer to you. :)
Miss you!
Hey Lorelei,
Great site! Cute pictures. Good music.
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