Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Mill on the Floss

Question for the day: why is flossing one's teeth such an anathema to so many people (including me)? It's not like it's difficult or painful or incredibly time-consuming--I just inexplicably hate doing it. Theories, anyone? My poor, neglected gums want to understand why I resist giving them the attention they deserve . . .

By the way . . . did anyone know that mill is slang for "fight" or "overcome?" I give you leave to admire my literary double-entendre! ;-)


Smitty said...

Because it's time consuming. We're Americans, We want it NOW! "Use that spin brush shave 37 seconds off my tooth brushing schedule...Skip that flossin...need those 3 minutes for writing in my blog" There, Now you know why. ;-)