As I sleepily stumbled into the living room with Emmy in my arms on the morning of January 12 (her second birthday), I looked out the big picture windows and did a double-take. Why was everything white? Could that be snow?! Amazingly, it was. Flakes were falling softly, dancing in the air, and about an inch and a half had accumulated on our lawn, roof, cars, etc. I laughed aloud with delight, and immediately bundled Emmy up and went outside. Unfortunately, our camera battery had died earli
er that week and we'd been unable to locate the charger, so the only way I could capture photos was with my cell phone--and I have no way to download them. So you'll just have to take my word for it that it was magical. Here's a photo taken from our home later that same day - the snow is already melted in the low-lying areas, but it still majestically crowns the mountain tops.
To celebrate the big day, Peter and I had planned an open house for close friends and family, and served some of Emmy's favorite foods - guacamole & chips, fresh f
ruit, Cheezits, veggies & dip and pigs in a blanket, as well as the obligatory cake and ice cream. Though seating was limited, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, especially the guest of honor, who suspected the moment people started to arrive that this occasion was all about her, and was delighted to find out that her suspicions were well-founded. The look of ecstatic joy on her face when Auntie Shari arrived the bouquet of balloons we'd ordered, the way she delightedly screamed and ran away upon seeing each new vis
itor (Uncle Joel is a superstar!), and the big, bashful smile on her face when everyone sang "Happy birthday to you!" were priceless. She tolerated the cake, but loved the ice cream, and the Thomas the Tank Engine ride-along she got from G'pa Ray and G'ma Gail was a huge hit. In spite of all the great gifts she'd received, she seemed to have the most fun playing with the balloons, soaking up attention from the adults, and running through the house screaming with Erin and Jamie. All in all, it was a very successful birthday party.
A week after her birthday, Emmy went for her 2-year physical. From the moment she looked into the back office while we were checking in and spied a nurse, she knew what was about to happen, and was NOT a happy camper. It took almost the entire 1/2 hour that we had to wait in the examination room for me to get her to calm down. She was better for the doctor than in times past (perhaps it's starting to sink in that the doc isn't who she needs to be afraid of!), but as s
oon as the nurse came back in, she panicked again. Fortunately there was only one shot and a little toe prick, so the torture didn't last long. As the nurse exited the room, in the midst of hysterical tears and heart-rending sobs, Emmy screamed out a raw, high-pitched "buh-BYE!" Needless to say, I got a big kick out of that one. :)
So . . . for those of you who care, she's now average height and still a little underweight, "so she's just perfect" to quote Dr. Mailander. We're not to worry about her speech--the doc doesn't think she's "delayed" - just not in a hurry. If she's not
using at least three word sentences by 2-1/2 years, then we can start worrying again (if we feel so inclined). In the meantime, I'm enjoying all the adorable babbling and her unique attempts at words. In the last week or two, she's started saying "ni-NI!" (her version of "Night-night!")--she's never used the "n" sound before, so that was cool.
She still loves musical instruments, and bangs on just about any available surface with her drumsticks. Among her birthday gifts from Mommy and Daddy were a
plastic recorder and a very realistic-looking toy violin and bow. The recorder came with a cleaning tool, which Emmy seems to prefer "playing" to the actual instrument. She has a love/hate relationship with the violin--it only makes a sound when you create a circuit by hitting at least two strings at once on the violin with the bowstring, which she can't always manage to do, and that frustrates her to no end. She's getting better at it these days, so we think that love will win out--but you never know. She also enjoys trying on Mommy or Daddy's shoes whenever she gets a chance . . .
After freezing overnight temperatures the last few weeks, we're now experiencing record highs (it was 89 today!). Emmy is enjoying being outdoors in this wonderful weather, whether it's smelling the flowers on Grandma jean's back porch or playing with the fountain outside Starbucks with Mommy and Auntie Gayle.
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