This Halloween was Emmy's first to wear a costume and trick-or-treat. Since we had zero trick-or-treaters at our place last year, we thought we'd try Ryan and Shari's neighborhood this year.
She's had a thing for stories involving lions and tigers recently, and is especially fond of Tigger (from Winnie the Pooh), so when I found this adorable Tom Arma white tiger costume on Ebay for about half the normal price, I snapped it up.

Our friend Tracie (who, like me, has a sick mind) suggested that Peter and I dress up as Sigfried and Roy (preferably post-mauling), but as Peter pointed out, we don't own any leather clothing - and that stuff's
After initial protest getting her into her costume, Emmy had the time of her life going from house to house, ringing the doorbell and/or knocking on the door, saying "Trick or treat!"

or "Happy Halloween!" in a tiny, timid voice, reaping "awww"s wherever she went and raking in the loot like a pro. Peter told me that this morning the first thing she wanted to do was get into her costume again, and you'll never guess what she wanted to do when she woke up from her nap! Thank goodness that she hasn't yet made the connection that the candy is edible . . .
Here are a few pictures of Emmy in her costume, living it up. Enjoy!

Oh my goodness-- she is too adorable! I LOVE the bottom of the tiger paw, with the pink little pads on it. That is cute times ten.
Thanks, WonderGirl! I love the pads on the feet, too. This is a Tom Arma costume (you can see all of his adorable animal costumes on his web site), which normally I couldn't afford - but I was delighted to find this one on ebay. My only regret is that I didn't have her try it on before trick-or-treating, and the legs (as you may have noticed) were actually a bit short - and I didn't have any white socks along with me to cover them up. So we had to pull her pant legs down at every house before ringing the bell . . .
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