On Tuesday, Grandma Jean discovered that Emmy can sing "Happy, Happy Home" - and Daddy was clever enough to record it on our web cam today. So cute I just had to share it with you . . .
Thursday, July 19, 2007
With Emmy in the family . . .
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Emmy and I spent a couple of hours relaxing in the ool (you'll notice there's no "p" in it! Ha, ha!) with Ryan and Shari at her mom's place. It was truly oven-like outside, but the water was perfect. Emmy had a great time splashing around in our arms, and floating all by herself in an inflatable ring with a seat in the middle. We're thinking we'll make a Friday afternoon ritual of this - at least for the remainder of the summer. I hope to teach our little fish how to swim.
Anyway, Emmy looked so adorable in her bikini and pigtails that I had to share a couple pics with you (if you haven't already figured this out, you can click on a photo to "embiggen" it). Stay cool!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Unemployment is not working
Good news on the job hunt - Peter got a call today from a defense contractor requesting him to come for an interview on Monday morning. He's really excited about the job description - it's something he's really interested in - but he's trying not to get his hopes up too high. Also, it's in southern California, so we'd be able to stay in the area. Please keep him in your prayers (or if you don't go in for that sort of thing, keep your fingers crossed, knock on wood - whatever works for you!).
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Sunny Seashore Snapshots
Here are a few photos from our Sabbath afternoon outing to Crystal Cove - enjoy!
Sitting in Katie MacFarland's sunchair
A break from making sand castles
Back from testing the waters with Daddy
Solemnly waving beach grass
Dancing with delight
Auntie Shari gives a farewell hug
Coy with the camera
Angel face